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I would definitely see a doctor right away! They only ones who can really help you and give you medicine for the reaction to the cherries! Answer edited by Mark UK ----> The answer to this question lies in how serious the reaction is. A lot of people have Allergies or intolerances to one thing of another. If this is a mild reaction then the item should be avoided, however there is a more serious condition in which the item you are allergic to could be life threatening. In seriously allergic reactions it is possible to go into anaphylactic shock. What are the symptoms? The initial reaction is swelling and itching of the area the allergen has entered. So food initially causes swelling and itching of the mouth and throat, while a wasp sting will cause intense itching and swelling around the sting. A generalised reaction rapidly follows within minutes and a raised itchy rash spreads over the whole body. The face and soft tissues begin to swell and breathing becomes difficult as the throat closes. The person becomes very agitated - people describe a 'feeling of impending doom' - and their blood pressure begins to drop. At this point the victim collapses and loses consciousness. Anaphylaxis in adults tend to affect blood circulation, with loss of pressure and shock. Children tend to develop wheezing and fatal airway obstruction. Food-allergic children with coexistent Asthma have a higher anaphylaxis risk. In anaphylaxis, the symptoms develop within a few minutes of contact with the allergen, so immediate treatment is essential. What's the treatment? Anaphylaxis requires emergency treatment because the symptoms of respiratory obstruction and shock develop so quickly. An injection of adrenaline must be given to raise blood pressure, relieve breathing difficulties and reduce swelling. As long as this is done promptly, people normally recover quickly, but anyone who's had anaphylaxis should go to hospital for observation regardless. They may need further treatment - such as antihistamines, corticosteroids and, occasionally, oxygen and intravenous therapy - when the adrenaline wears off. What precautions should I take? If you've ever had anaphylaxis you must be referred to an allergy clinic for full assessment and to identify the cause of the reaction. If you or someone you know is prone to anaphylaxis, the following precautions should be taken to prevent future anaphylactic reactions: * Have your own preloaded adrenaline auto-injector * Carry your medicines with you at all times and make sure you're familiar with how to use them * Inform other people at home, work or college about your allergy and where you keep your medicines and how they're used * Make sure your medication is easily accessible and check its by date regularly * Wear a MedicAlert bracelet or necklace to inform emergency medical staff of your condition This information was taken from

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Q: How do you treat alleric reactions to cherries?
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