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Q: How do you troubleshoot an AC that makes a gurgling sound on an IS300?
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2004 Lexus is300 gurgling sound?

Your heater core is going bad, or there is air in the system. Happened to me had to replace heater core. I did it myself and it was a little bit of a pain. Took four hours.

What is the sound for river?

A sort of a rush, a whistle, a swissle i suppose ;)

What does gurgling mean?

making or characterized by a hollow bubbling sound."a faint gurgling noise"(of a baby) making a contented sound."a gurgling baby who will one day inherit the throne"

What causes gurgling sound on the right side of your navel?

A "gurgling" sound on the right side of the navel is due to digestion and is completely normal.

Central AC makes a gurgling sound and is processing more water than usual No leaks found Is this normal when the temperature is 90 Deg?

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What is causing a gurgling sound and smoke coming out of the air vents?

It is not smoke. It is steam. Moisture is making the gurgling sound and moisture coming in contact with a warmer surface (the coil) is evaporating making steam.

What causes heart gurgling?

A bad valve can cause this sort of sound.

What is a burble?

A burble is a bubbling, gurgling sound, or a rapid gush of speech.

What causes gurgling in chest?

The presence of fluid and/or mucus, giving characteristic signs when listened with a stethoscope e.g. rales.

Do you just drain the cooling system to get rid of the gurgling sound and refill it?

A cooling system is supposed to be drained not just to rid the gurgling sound. It also helps the plumbers to clean and unclog any accumulated residue.

Why do you hear a gurgling noise from my car when I'm stopping?

The gurgling sound is caused by pressure in the engine coolant system(antifreeze) slowly releasing into the coolant overflow resevoir. Typically a faulty thermostat causes this sound.

What do you call a gurgling or swishing sound heard upon auscultation of the heart?
