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just say you are not ready for an relationship just say you are not ready for an relationship

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Q: How do you turn down your best friend who has a crush on you?
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Should you just give up when you think your crush likes your friend?

Do not give up. If your friend knows that you like him/her then she/he will turn the person down. But you need to tell your crush that you like her/him. That would make things easier on you.

My friend that ive had a crush on for a while asked me to hook up with him tomorrow i want to but i dont know if i should because im 12?

If your crush asked you out and you are only 12 years old, simply turn his request down.

Your friend ask your crush who he likes it turns out he like your friends girlfriend who is also your best friend my friend told my crush one of my friends likes him but no1 does just me what do i do?

Try and do a double date since you like your girl best frind who likes your guy best friend and try and let them get to know each other better then see where it takes you from there.ANSWER ok ive been in this situation, and i was the girl best friend in the situation.i went up to the guy best friend and told him i liked him and then went and asked the guy best friend's friend (you) and asked him if he liked me. he said yes and we went out, but in your case, if she doesnt want to go out, you can go on crushing on her without dating her, or move on and devolop a new crush on someone else.

You love him but he has a girlfriend and she is your friend?

I was in the same spot as you. When you like your friends boyfriend its difficult, DO NOT flirt with him, because he could go and turn to your friend, if it is just a crush try to ditance yourself, and ust be there for your friend. but if you think you really like him i would talk to your friend about it. BUt dont say somthing like "i have a huge crush on your boyfriend". think before you speak and what you think is best.

I asked my girl best friend out and she said no but now its super awkward around us and I still want us to be best friends but I still like her what should I do?

You could try talking to her about how you still want to be friends.AND hey sometimes things turn out in the end (I have a crush on my best friend)

What do you do when your friend told your crush that you like him a lot but that your friend just went out with him and she still likes him and it will get competitive?

you back off and tell your friend that she already had her chance to date him and that it is your turn you back off and tell your friend that she already had her chance to date him and that it is your turn

What do you do if someone is using you best friend?

if you believe that someone is using your best friend then you should try to inform your friend of your thoughts. try to be calm when you are telling your best friend as you don't want the conversation to turn into an argument. if you have any memory of that person using your friend then mention the experiences to your friend in the conversation but remenber to be calm and keep your tone down.

Is there anyone that has any ideas about what you can say in a dialogue between 2 best friends?

If you have never had a dialogue with a friend, then you should turn off your computer and call your friend. Talk to them and write it down.

If you like your best friend?

dont turn your back on him

How do you turn a friend into a best friend?

I don't know very much but tell her how you feel, if you do then she will appreciate your thought and she might condsider making you her best friend

If you had a problem who would you turn to for help?

best friend usually. for some, their spouse is their best friend, which should at least be noted.

How do you make your best friend like you when they have a boyfriend?

What yer turn....