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Efforts to appease failed to stop Hitler's territorial advances and eventually war was the only option which was left.

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6h ago

The leader tried to appease the angry crowd.

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Q: How do you use appease in a sentence using subject verb?
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What a sentence for appease?

Appease is a verb meaning to pacify, calm, soothe, placate, assuage, or quiet. Example sentence: Perhaps you can appease the customer with a discount coupon in return for her stress in this situation.

What is a sentence using the word propitiation?

(the verb propitiate is used to mean appease, atone, or placate)"Mary stopped criticizing her boss, and this propitiation eventually earned her a promotion."

What part of speech is appease?

Appease is a verb.

Waved to the pigs is that a complete sentence?

no, every sentence needs a subject and a verb. waved is a verb but there is no subject. the subject is who or what is doing the verb.

Is 'here's why a sentence?

No. A sentence must contain a subject and a verb. "Here's why" does not have a subject or a verb.

Is 'They made culinary desserts' a sentence?

Does it have a subject and a verb? The subject is "They" and the verb is "made" so it is a sentence. A proper sentence must have a subject and a verb and make sense.

Is the sentence He's using one of those frosted head brushes correct?

The sentence is almost correct. For better clarity, it should be: "He's using one of those frosted hair brushes."

What is a sentence using which as a verb?

which is not a verb

What is the differents between a sentence and none sentence?

A sentence requires a subject and a verb, without those, it's not a sentence. "Into the water" is not a sentence; when you add a subject and a verb, "My keys fell into the water." you have a sentence. The subject is 'keys', the verb is 'fell'.

What are the primary sentence patterns for asking a question in English?

Primary sentence patterns for asking a question in English include using a subject, action verb, direct object, and helping verb. In addition, a pattern that follows helping verb, subject, and main verb can be used.

A group of word having a subject and a verb?

A sentence is a string of words with both a subject and a verb. A sentence without either a subject or a verb is incomplete.

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb?

The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb uses the verb to connect the subject of the verb to more information about the subject. The linking verb will not express an action.