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Winning back your wife after your emotional affair will be hard.

You broke the bond that the two of you had for a long time. I'm not sure the situation of your relationship with your wife before you have the affair.

Do you know what women feels when we discovered that our husband had emotional affair with another woman? It make us fools because man and his wife supposed to be one. Your wife will ask herself why you had to find another woman just to talk to her and maybe more. She will feel that she's not good enough to be your best friend. She will have a hard time to trust you if you can't even talk to her about whats in your mind.

I guess emotional affair is very popular between couples in United State. Now my question to you is why can't you talk to your wife about anything, not just about bills, children and mortgage. Have you talk to your wife about intimacy, the one that both of you shared for a long time. Do you know how your wife feels right now, naked because you probably talk to this other woman about your life with your her. Or maybe the two of you already shared the intimacy supposed to belongs with your wife. Get ready for the upcoming weather from your wife, because it will not be easy for her to forget.

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you can't, the simple fact is if he really loved you he wouldn't have betrayed you like that. I can't stand it when guys say "I love you" even after they've been caught; obviously not because if he did he wouldn't have cheated.

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