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Everyone who uses Depo Provera has changes in her period. Some women bleed more, and others bleed less. After the first year of use, you can expect to have no bleeding at all; for some women, that happens right after the first shot. Before that, you may have spotting that lasts for days, weeks, or months. If that spotting would be terrible for you, consider choosing a different method. If the spotting becomes a problem, sometimes the health care provider will prescribe medication to help control it temporarily. The spotting is not dangerous, and is not a sign that Depo isn't working but it can be annoying for some women. For other women, the very high effectiveness of Depo Provera is worth the inconvenience of the side effects.

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Depo Provera prevents pregnancy. It is of no use if your periods have stopped.

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Q: How does Depo-Provera affect menopause?
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No. Smoking is an independent variable which has not been shown, conclusively, to affect the timing of menopause onset.

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Menopause can give you a false positive with all of the hormone changes your body is going through.

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Use DepoProvera

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Birth Control pills, ring, patch, DepoProvera and the IUD are not barriers.

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Depoprovera will not make you pregnant for months.

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Both women in the relationship gp through menopause. So the only affect would be getting old and not really in to sexual activity.

Has anyone missed several periods while on depoprovera?

That is one of the advantages of this drug.

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The absence of estrogen in the postmenopausal woman can cause the bladder to drop, or prolapse.

How does menopause affect the husband?

It doesn't really. Depending on the person. But most of the time, it won't have much of an impact, if any at all.

Can the menopause affect a pregnancy test?

Menopause is a completely different hormone compared to the pregnancy hormone. You wont get a positive on a pregnancy test during the menopause. The only time your get a positive is when HCG is in your urine and your pregnant. Menopause is not a hormone. Better literacy ("you will get a positive," instead of "your get a positive," "won't, instead of "wont," and "you're pregnant," not "your pregnant") as well as a citation to some medical authority would also help to improve this answer.

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I guess it can affect female pregnancy and early age of being menopause