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Q: How does Donatello's artwork categorize as early Italian renaissance?
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Early Italian Renaissance.

What piece of artwork started the Renaissance?

The Gates of Paradise was the piece of artwork that started the Renaissance.

Which sentence is the best example of using a historical approach to understand this artwork?

The biblical subject matter of Marriage of the Virginshows the importance of religion in Italian Renaissance culture.

Where did the Renaissance begin?

The Renaissance began in Italy, specifically in the Italian cities of Florence and Venice. Many of the innovations created during the Renaissance were made in Italy, like the artwork and scientific work of Leonardo da Vinci or the paintings of Raphael and Donatello.

How did renaissance artwork differ from medieval artwork?

Paintings before the Renaissance: people saw in only a 2 dimensional figure, but in the Renaissance, people saw art in a 3 dimensional figure. Painters in the Renaissance gave attention to body size, proportions, perspective, and detail.

What items where traded during the Renaissance?

Some things that got traded in the Renaissance were artwork and scientific ideas.

In what century was mona Lisa painted?

The painting by Leonardo is from the High Italian Renaissance, 16th century. Began in 1503, he continued to work on it through 1506. He carried it with him until his death in 1519.

What did donatello paint?

Bronze David, The Crucifix for Santa Crocee, the Pazzi Madonna. He was the first great Italian artist to be born.

What did michealangelo do in the renaissance?

he made artwork such as paintings, sculptures, and also wrote poetry, he was very skilled

What did Michelangelo contribute to the renaissance?

michelangelo made people change their views and think differently

What is Leonardo da Vinci's 'Importance in History'?

He was the Renaissance man, and created artwork that is recognizable to anyone.

Why is the Harlem Renaissance of major importance in American History?

The Harlem Renaissance was an African American creative art movement in the 1920s. This included literary work, artwork, theater, and music.