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Hinduism is a religion which many people think has many Gods, but actually all the different gods represent the personality of the main ultimate god. The god is too great to imagine and so all the other gods help to visualise the ultimate god.

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Q: How does Hinduism differ from many religions that worship many gods?
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How does Hinduism differ from many religions that worship many dieties?

Hinduism differs in a way that any one can become Hindu, while still following their gods. Hinduism is basically a way of lifestyle & belief.

Which Gods or beings do various religions worship?

The three monotheistic or Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all worship the same one God. Other religions worship various different Gods and beings. For example. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Buddha, Hinduism does not worship any one God or claim any one Prophet, and traditional Chinese religion recognises hundreds of Gods and Godesses.

Hindus believe in many God's numbering into the?

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions, it is believed that there are approximately 330 million gods that they worship.

What is polytheistic religions?

Polytheistic religion is the worship of many gods.

Can you worship God in Hinduism?

They have many gods. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion.

Which Gods do Hinduism religions worship?

There are thousands of gods. But they are all different forms of one sole god, Brahma. Some examples are, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesh, Krishna, Lakshmi

What is the religion where you worship many gods and goddesses?


Who does hindusm worship?

Hinduism is a religion where they believe in many gods and goddesses.

What god does hindues worship?

there are many gods that the religion Hinduism warships.

What religion after a bath there is personal worship of the gods at a family shrine?

This practice is common in Hinduism, where individuals may perform personal worship after a bath at a family shrine dedicated to specific gods or deities. It is a way to show reverence and seek blessings from the deities for protection, prosperity, and well-being. The rituals involved may vary based on the specific beliefs and traditions followed by the family.

Explain how religious believers worship God?

There is no simple single answer.There are many religions and all differ to a greater or lesser extent on how they worship.Some religions do not have a god or gods so they would not worship one at all.You need to specify which religion you are referring to for a particular answer.

What are the non-monotheistic?

Branches of Buddhism and Hinduism are non-monotheistic religions . Non-monotheistic religions are mostly older religions, for instance, Egyptian, the Romans and Greek Gods; Hinduism would be one of these. There were European religions that were pantheistic, the Norse Gods, the Gods of the ancient British Isles, etc. Buddhism is NOT a religion, it is agnostic about God (they neither affirm nor deny a God or gods.