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It can be difficult to have the will power to lose weight, especially when you try and try and see little results. You should start with the foods you are eating:

  • Get rid of white breads, white sugar, white pasta, anything overly processed. Replace with wheat, brown rice/pasta, etc... these have lower glycemic levels. Remember the more natural the food, the better.
  • Cut down on starches, eat more chicken, eggs (3 whites/1 yolk), steamed vegetables and fruits. Bread should only be a small part of your meals.
  • Drink a glass of grapefruit juice every morning, it is absolutely proven to help promote weight lossby lowering your glycemic index and is loaded with digestive enzymes. Grapefruit juice literally makes you feel a little warm when you first start drinking it and it gives you the energy to start your morning workout.
  • Drink plenty of filtered or spring water every day. Keep a container of fresh water in your fridge, so when you go for a soda you are more likely to drink water instead.
  • Drink tea, no sugar, at restaurants like Subway you should always go for tea instead of coke, unsweetened better yet. Look into green tea (promotes weight loss) and other teas at your local grocery, teas are a great replacement for sodas and coffee.
  • Do not depend on weight loss pills, their effects are minimal and only temporary and do more harm to your health than any good.
  • Stay away from "low fat" microwave meals, the portions are small and not healthy, your body needs decent portions but of healthy foods, instead prepare your own meals, Americans are very overweight in comparison to Europeans because we eat far more fast food. Buy a cook book so you can prepare incredibly delicious meals on your own that are healthy.
  • Find a routine and stick with it. This is the hard part, a few days go by where you haven't worked out, this is where you fall from the plan and can fail. It takes motivation to stick with a workout routine. It helps to have a friend striving towards the same goals but they must be POSITIVE about changing themselves for the better. Negative people always say, "I can't do this" "It's too hard" "I am just old" etc... this is a good time to turn around and say YOU CAN DO IT! Take digestive enzymes. Take a high quality multivitamin found in organic food stores.
  • If you have EVER taken a antibiotic, you should eat some Activia yogurt for a while, the antibiotics killed all of your good digestive tract bacteria and you must replenish it.
  • Take fiber, fiber helps prevent fat in food from being fat in your body. Just buy a container of Benefiber, take a small amount at first and work your way up to take a full dose. After 18 the fiber you need will increase because after 18 your metabolism will slow down more.
  • Take time for yourself, don't feel like exercising one day? Well, meditate! Meditation can help you lose weight, it calms the mind, relaxes stress away and makes you feel incredibly amazing without having to take in one calorie. And after meditation you'll be surprised at how much more energy you have and might be more up to exercising afterwards.
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Q: How does a 5' 8 260 pound 17-year-old female - who is having a hard time trying to lose weight but really wants to - find more motivation and stay motivated?
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