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Like a hairy lump

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Q: How does a bump feel like after you hit your head?
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What should you do when you hit your head on cement and have a big bump?

You should probably see a doctor. That sounds like a pretty hard hit.

What should you do when you hit your head on the roof and it leaves a big bump?

Act like you dont know what happened...:-]

What does it mean when you have a bump on your head from a glass bottle?

that it hit you.

What is another for letter word that means to hit your head?

bump, conk

How do you get rid of a bump on your head that was hit against another persons head?

Leeches believe it or not are actually used to remove bruises.......i don't see why it wouldn't have the same effect on your bump

What would happen if someone hit their head and it didnt leave a bump?

Then they're fine

What is a Hard bump that has shown up on the very top of my head that does not hurt except when you push really hard on it and i have not hit my head or anything along those lines to get a bump?

Sebaceous Cyst.

Why does your tires skid and whine when you hit a bump?

This happens when you are going fast and you hit so it's sorta like a speed bump for bikes.

Dave what did it feel like when you got hit by the sledgehammer in the head?

It really really hurt mate

How do helmets stop the energy transfers and transformations after a head bump?

the way the helmet is made, like the styrofome in it, i believe that it absorbs the pressure wen you fall and hit your head so it doesnt hurt ur head as much

What could it be if you have a bump on the lower base of your head it is located on the left side and it hurts to touch and it hurts to move my head as well as smile?

did you hit your head? ....

Where is the right place to hit a head bump in soccer?

you use your forehead to hit the ball pulling yourself through the ball with your body