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Q: How does a candidate gain support from special interest groups?
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What entities support candidates who favor their ideas but do not nominate candidates?

Interest groups publicly support a candidate. It is important for the group to support a candidate publicly because it shows what issues are important to a candidate.

How do single interest groups decide whether or nit to support a political candidate?

The issues most often determine support.

People who join together to gain political support for their views are know as?

(For Apex Learning) Special-interest groups.

Are lobbist interest groups?

They represent Special Interest Groups and their own self interests.

What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level?

Interest groups influence public policy through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in mind. The number one way interest groups affect public policy is by providing information to politicians which is illegal. Interest groups influence public opinion by showing the upsides of their policies & hiding the downsides. Also interest groups influence public policies through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in their minds. They usually get popular people to support it.

What type of power does special interest groups have?

The type of power that special interest groups have is founded on influence and pressure by the citizens. The citizens of any democratic nations serve as the main source power which is what special interest groups rely on.

Interest groups are sometimes called?

Interest groups can sometimes are called pressure groups. Interest groups will also be called organizations or associations for special interests.

What are the targets of interest groups?

The targets of interest groups are the groups of people that can most support the cause. Wealthy people are the targets of medical interest groups for example.

How does interest groups check the power of bureaucracy?

Special interest groups check the power of bureaucracy with their constant monitoring and resultant publicity of actions. Special interest groups can create a false sense of urgency or need on a topic.

How do you use Special interest group in a sentence?

The Special interest group issued a few methods for the organization.

Special interest groups which monitor bureaucratic activity are known as?

watchdog groups.

What are special interest groups also known as?

In US they are known as 'lobbying groups'