

How does a clock trigger an explosive?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: How does a clock trigger an explosive?
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1 What is the difference between a level triggered clock and an edge triggered clock?

in level trigger mode, the input signal is sampled when the clock signal is either high or low whereas in edge trigger mode the input signal is sampled at rising or at the falling edge. lever triggering is sensitive to glitches whereas edge trigger is non sensitive.. example: latch for level trigger and flip-flop for edge trigger

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A clock input is a regular periodic pulse that can be used as a trigger to sequence timing-important activities.

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it should produce a trigger pulse at a time.

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Any flame or electric spark will trigger this explosive reaction!

What is a secondary explosive?

Many explosive devices consist of a primary and a secondary explosive. The primary consists of a small amount of an explosive that is very easily set off. The primary creates a small explosion that sets off the secondary explosive, which consists of a material that is much harder to set off; usually a primary explosive is the only way. The secondary explosive provides most of the energy of the device, with the primary simply being a trigger. The use of primary and secondary explosives allows for explosive devices that are less likely to go off accidentally.

What is the diffeRENCE between a bomb and a mine?

In general, mines are left in strategic positions to be triggered by unsuspecting enemy forces. Bomb is a catchall term for an explosive, but usually refers to an explosive that is triggered remotely and actively or by a timed trigger.

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The primary use of a clock in flip flops is to provide the trigger pulse to the flip flop

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Yes. The sulfur emissions from a large, explosive eruption can trigger a global reduction in temperatures for several years.

Difference between level trigger and edge trigger filp fliop?

in level trigger mode, the input signal is sampled when the clock signal is either high or low whereas in edge trigger mode the input signal is sampled at rising or at the falling edge. lever triggering is sensitive to glitches whereas edge trigger is non sensitive.. example: latch for level trigger and flip-flop for edge trigger

How do pistols work?

A hammer hits the explosive cap after you cock it and pull the trigger. The cap blows up, igniting the gunpowder. Then, the expanding gases push the bullet down the barrel of the pistol.