

How does a condom protect you from getting pregnant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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it catches the sperm inside it and stops it from fertilizing the egg

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Q: How does a condom protect you from getting pregnant?
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Do you need to use a condom if on birth control?

Absolutely YES! Birth control pills only protect you from getting pregnant. Condoms, while not foolproof, will protect you from STDs.

What is the chance of a girl getting pregnant if the guy smokes marijuana and wears a condum?

Weed does not protect anyone from pregnancy but it can make the guy fumble with the condom. If the condom is used correctly you have zero chance of pregnancy.

How can a girl protect her self from getting pregnant?

Always use protection. There are many methods and you can talk them through with your doctor. And always make him wear a condom. That is the only one that protects from diseases which can be much worse then getting pregnant.

How can you trick him into getting you pregnant?

Put a hole in condom.

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What are the chances of a fourteen getting another fourteen year old pregnant on first try?

There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

Is there a possibility of getting a girl pregnant if you use a condom and pull out in the end and if you knew the condom was sturdy?

there could be a possibility but it is very much rare to get her pregnant.

What is the probability of getting pregnant with no birth control or condom?


What is the probability of getting pregnant with birth control and a condom?

the probability is very small

Can you always get pregnant if you didn't use a condom?

No, but you are playing Russian Roullette if you choose not to. Remember, the condom is not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to protect against STDs.

If the condom broke while it was inside you and he ejaculated is there a high percentage of you getting pregnant?


What is the chance of getting pregnant with your tubes clamped?

20 percent without condom