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It just opens its mouth and grabs the food.

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Q: How does a frog get its food into its mouth?
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Where in a frog's mouth does food enter?

In the front

What attaches to the front of a frog's mouth and helps it catch food?

The frog's tongue.

What is adult frog food?

Anything that fits in their mouth that is not poisonous or harmful.

How does a frog catch a food?

they stretch there toung out and grab it the throw it down there mouth

How does a frog engulps its food?

it catches it in its mouth, then pushes it down its esophagus by its eyes XD

What is the buccal cavity of the frog?

The Buccal Cavity of frog is the mouth of the frog.

How is the frog tongue well adapted for the type of food it eats?

The sticky tongue on the front of their mouth.

How does the frogs tongue attachment aid the frog in getting food?

It is attached to the front of the mouth, which means the frog can flick its tongue out further to capture prey.

What organs are used to move the food to the back of a frog esophagus?

The organs which are used to move food to the back of the oesophagus in a frog are the mouth and the tongue. The oesophagus acts are the starting point of the digestive tract.Ê

What do frogs have in their mouths that tods do not?

Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.teeth

Describe the dental pattern in the frog's jaw?

the frog has small teeth along the top and bottom. it has a major tooth in the middle. this tooth prevents food from escaping the mouth. frogs usually swallow food whole.

What is the scientific name for a frog's mouth?

The scientific name for a frog's mouth is "buccal cavity." This structure is where food enters the frog's digestive system and is the site of initial mechanical breakdown of food before it moves to the stomach for further digestion.