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Q: How does a minor press charges on a minor for fighting?
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Can a parent press charges for contributing to to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio?

A parent can press charges for contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Ohio. Criminal charges can be filed for the crime, and civil charges can be done for any injuries that may have occurred to the minor child.

Can a minor press charges on a minor for sexual activity?

Just go to the police and let them deal with it.

What do you do when someone starts a fight and wants to press charges?

they cant press charges because threy started the fight but there fighting they cant do anything

Can guardian press charges without minors consent?

The 'minor' has no say in the matter.

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Can a person press charges for fighting?

It depends on the fight. If someone got hurt to an extent the victim could press charges. Yes they can the person who pops it off (first to punch) can get lock up can press charges on a lot of stuff

How many days does a minor have to press charges against another minor for beating him up?

Physical assault likely has a 1 to 2 year statue. However, if you do not press charges within a few days, physical evidence will fade away and witnesses' memories fade too. The minor would not bring charges-- the parent(s) would.

Can you press charges at the age of fourteen and on my bus driver?

Sorry, no. As a minor, you have to be represented by someone else, usually a parent.

Can you press charges on the parents of a minor that assaulted your minor Son?

No. Citizens cannot press charges against anyone. Only a prosecutor can bring charges. You can REPORT the matter to the police and the police will investigate and take the proper action.If the assault is confirmed by the police, in all likliehood, they will take action against the minor as a juvenile matter.If you wish to take action against the parents, you will have to file a civil suit of some type against them.

If a minor continually pulls a fire alarm who is at fault who are charges brought against and if in an apartment building can another tenant press charges?

Complain to the landlord and they should be able to kick the family out. The police should be called everytime it is done. The parents are responsible for their minor child so you could press charges of anti-social behaviour on them. If the fire department have been called out each time then ask them to involve the police too.

Can a parent press charges if someone gives his or her child a foot massage?

A parent (or gardian) can press charges for touching their child anywhere, (feet, hands stomach etc) Is it a sexual act? In societal norm today the foot fetish is not that uncommon. Proving the accused does have a foot fetish, that may be a bit hard to prove. But reguardless of where the accused touched the minor child, if "you" as a parent feel it was inappropriot, then by all means press charges, nothing may come to it, but at least its on record. Now, when can a parent press charges or "not" that I am unclear of. As far as I know, a parent can press charges on anything they deem inappropriot to their child or children when touching is involved, perhaps lewd act on a child or minor? Im no attorny, I'm just taking a stab at it. * Individuals do not "press charges" they file complaints. Complaints are then referred to the prosecutor's office and then it is decided whether or not the person who alledgedly commited the act should be arrested and charged with a crime. The first step is for the parents of the minor child to contact the state's child protective services for assistance.

What are the legal ramifications for a minor boy to touch a minor girl then the girl said she did not want him to?

You could be arrested for statutory rape and be charged the same as normal rape. But that is only if her parents find out and press charges...