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She should talk to an attorney specializing in family law to see what her options are.

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Q: How does a mother get back her custody rights if she has signed them over?
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Can a father who signed over custody but not paternal rights get his child back?

Some times but it all depends on the situation

How does stepmother with POA sign over deployed father's parental rights back to birth mother?

Custody, not parental rights.

Im 16 livin in Texas with dad and mom has signed over full custody but im wantin to move back in wit her do i have a choice ncourt or would i have more chance moving in with gma who still has custody?

FROM ME [THE ONE ASKING QUESTION]- Also i would like to remind you that my mother lives in louisiana, has no custody right(cause she has signed them over), and is wanted to obtain me. Also my grandmother has custody rights, but would i have the choice to move in with her from my father?

Do you still have custody of your niece if you never signed back to her parents?

That depends on where you live and your custody order. Were you granted temporary custody with parental rights intact? Were the parents divested of their parental rights and you were granted sole legal and physical custody? There are all different kinds of custody agreements and they can be modified. Refer to your documents or seek the advice of an attorney for an informed opinion.

What can I do my daughters mother took her to Mexico and told me she would be back this month she hasn't came back yet or called i signed to were she could take her is the anything i can do?

Unfortunately, even those countries that are signers to the Hague Treaty on Child Custody, they do not honor it when it comes to father custody rights. This includes the US. Only Cuba honors the treaty equally, except they never signed it. You will need an attorney that specializes in international cases.

What happens if the state takes back custody of a child and puts the child in foster care because the mother has no parental rights but pays child support?

Parents usually have to pay for their child even if it is the state that has custody. The child is taken away and parental rights terminated in order to protect the child. If you want your parental rights back and custody you will have to turn to the court.

i have custody of my grandson now his mother is take me to court for custody what are my rights?

It depends on several things, like if the mother has waived her rights or if she was ever deemed an unfit mother or she has and shes completed obligated standards set by the court to get the child back or so on, for a good legal stand point you should contact an attorney.

If a father signed over rights and now the stepdad and mother are getting a divorce can the father get his rights back?

It depends on the courts. If you have been out of the picture re your child(ren) for more than 2 years, the courts may give full custody to the mother. However, if you can show you are making a committment to becoming the father you should have been then the courts may give you partial custody. It's worth a shot. Good luck Marcy Generally speaking, once parental rights are terminated, that's it.

Does the father have any custodial rights in Texas if the mother has custody but the child lives with the grandparents?

Do you have a court order saying you have visitation? Are you the biological father? If so then YES. Go back to court and file for custody.

How does stepmother sign over deployed father's parental rights back to birth mother?

If you're referencing a custody change, you need power of attorney.

What rights does a father have if he has visitation rights and after 8months the mother has kept the son from father?

You need to take the mother back to court to enforce the visitation order. You should act ASAP. The mother is in contempt of a court order and if she continues to ignore the court she could lose custody.

Can an underage mother win custody of her child back?

Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her