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Suspending moral judgments, one has to consider the nature of the relationship in it's basic structure; i.e: parent to child, sibling to sibling, child to parent, loved one to loved one; and then be aware of any changes in behaviors when the substance is in use and, or,is being abused. Various drugs and compounds will have effects that differ from individual to individual in varied circumstances. One has to take into account 'HOW' the substance is being used. Is is used to make one feel good, to alev iate negative feelings? Is the user so addicted (accustomed) to the substance that non-use results in negative behaviors?

Are you enabling your person to continue abusive use of the substance: i.e.; look the other way, join in, approve, remain silent, provide it, hold it for them, provide them positive atmosphere, location, venue? How do feel about this?

How are you effected by the persons use and or abuse? Are you clear here? Have you honestly and clearly expressed your position, without judgment and expectation? How do you feel about this?

Drugs and alcohol can effect a relationship between two people in much the same way as a third person can. But, with a third person, you can't pour them down the sink, but you can leave.

All organisms seek health in their circumstances. Using a substance to cope with circumstances is one way towrds health, but depending on the circumstances,it can be very costly.

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14y ago

Drug and alcohol abuse can cause severe mood swings, depression, violence, and I could write a book a bout what else it does that is negative to a relationship. ------

YES!!! Definitely! Always does, always has, and always will!!! Please reevaluate your relationship if this is a real concern!!! Or at least talk to a therapist or someone who is in AA (for the right reasons) for more input...

The effect of drugs and/or alcohol in any relationship can turn lethal. Please think. NO ONE deserves being put in ANY position of fear (of violence - of jail - of abuse of any kind - or especially of death).

Emotional abuse is often thought to be the worst. It plays with your mind and sometimes one doesn't know which end is up ... right from wrong, good from bad, or if one has any say on what they believe to be correct, or even an an opinion as to what they know is a legitimate response.

Physical abuse is different. Some say it is better than emotional abuse simply because it is over quicker. The actual words in emotional abuse lasts a lot longer than the physical... the physical is forgotten when the bruises heal... (You then do not have to deal with the horrible words in your mind). Usually the physical abuse will continue to worsen. Emotional abuse is there always to stick in your mind and cause you to think less of yourself throughout the years. It is always easier to remember the bad things said than the good things said, no matter even if the good outweighs the bad... I don't know why, but this seems to be true in most every case I've researched. The emotional abuse will usually worsen as well...

If you ask this for yourself or a loved one, lock yourself (or your loved one) in a closet for a while until they can look at their life in a different perspective (where they can believe in their own worth). Please look out for #1---which is yourself, in the long run. If you need to know how to protect yourself, I can tell you a few ways. Otherwise contact someone you trust or a professional! I wish you the best. Be sure you matter before any drugs or alcohol to another person. I speak from (some) experience, since I am involved with an alcoholic now. I love him with all my heart, but I can't help wondering sometimes --- which could he do without ???

Abuse of drugs or alcohol will also cause the person to feel he/she is superior, that they are indispensable, indestructible, and without fault. Sometimes holding on to a "holier than thou" disposition, they will become absolutely impossible to talk to or even deal with. It is much better for the sober one to not raise their voice, be patient, and not cause unnecessary trouble while the other is in his "other dimension" ... You can discuss the problem (if there even IS one) at another time... Also, remember...that they may not! (This is another example of emotional abuse---because YOU remember.) I will pray for you a happy life. Hope I hear from you soon... Signed, Old & Wore 'Plum' Out!!!

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