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Bulimic activity increases as anxiety increases. Bullying has a very negative affect on the bulimic subject. It helps to think of bingeing and purging as simply symptoms of a much deeper issue. It is an issue that can manifest itself in a multitude of ways, usually when the sufferer is at their most debilitated. They feel misunderstood, confused and then this unimaginable behavior manifests. Worse, the treatment they are often offered casts them as addicts and assumes their behavior is by choice. If addiction actually exists, it is assumed that this is further evidence of dysfunction. In reality the addiction is often another behavior triggered by anxiety; again, not a choice. You can find further information at

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Q: How does bullying affect eating disorders?
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Who do eating disorders affect?

Usually the eating disorder starts in the mind. Eating disorders are psychological disorders (image disorders).

How do eating disorders affect you?

They affect you because they are hurting your body.

What is the percentage of eating disorders?

Eating disorders affect ane stimated 1 in every 100 people.

What are some of the causes of eating disorders?

Some of the major causes of extreme eating disorders such an bulimia and also anorexia include low self esteem, bullying and also low confidence levels.

Who does eating disorders effect?

Eating disorders can - and do - affect anyone. Typically, most eating disorders affected girls / women between the ages of 12 and 28, usually in more western nations.

Is gender important for a eating disorder?

About 90% of eating disorders affect females.

Why does anorexia always affect women'?

Anorexia does not always affect women. About 10% of anorexics are male. Anorexia - and most other eating disorders - are more common in women for a few reasons. Women naturally are more social, and thus focus on social pressures more then men. When social pressures demand thin-ness, women are more likely to develop eating disorders. A woman also experiences more changes in her body (pregnancy, for example) that can fuel body dislike and eating disorders. Women also tend to be more critical of each other than men are to each other. This harshness or bullying can lead to low self esteem and eating disorders, too.

Does eating disorders affect more women?

Yes. 90% of all eating disroder cases are found in women.

Who else. Could eating disorders effect?

Aside from the sufferer, eating disorders can affect family and friends, who struggle to understand the causes and symptoms they are suffering. Eating disorders can make a person very stressed and angry, therefore this can put a huge strain on their relationships with the people around them.

What type of issue is bullying?

Bullying is mostly a social problem. It is often symptomatic of larger problems in society such a a lack of compassion, intolerance to difference, and economic inequalities. Bullying is also a health issue. Victims are more likely to suffer mental illness, stress disorders, phobias, eating disorders, and depression. They are also at a greater risk than the general public of committing suicide.

Which one of the eating disorders is more likely to affect men than women?

muscle dysmorphia

What eating disorders affect people between ages of 13-17?

Anorexia and Bulimia mainly.