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I can only speak from personal experience. I am a person that gets emotional very easily: it is very easy to get me to cry, laugh, etc. and it frequently happens for very subtle events that another person may not even notice.

After 12 years of being bullied in school I learned to be terrified of my own emotions and fought continually to not have them. I wished very much to be able to be Spock from Star Trek, without actually recognizing he was going through the same internal battle with himself as I was. I spent over 30 years avoiding situations that might trigger emotions, feeling that it was unsafe to be emotional around people, hiding in work, failing to totally stop experiencing emotions and feeling guilty that I couldn't, etc.

Finally a special event freed me from that self imposed torture, but I still have aftereffects and I will never really have what most people would call a "normal human life". Not that I regret the life I do have, but often I wish I had had open to me some of the choices and options that the effects of the bullying took from me.

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Well when people get called names and picked on they start to believe what the people are saying about them so they start to feel sad and useless and ugly

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Q: How does bullying hurt people emotionally?
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What happens in bullying?

It depends. Some people can get physically hurt or emotionally hurt. Sometimes it can be both. There are many forms of bullying in society.

What is the worst kind of bullying and why?

The worst kind of bulling is emotional, and physical bullying because bullying hurt your feeling emotionally and they hit you physically.

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bullying is trying to hurt someone emotionally or pysically and fooling around is kinda like bullying but your just trying to be funny and don't mean it

How is bullying related to healthy living?

There are at least two ways that bullying ties in with health. One is that emotionally healthy people do not bully others. The other is that victims of bullying are not as healthy physically and emotionally as those who are not bullied.

Is bullying a moral issue?

Absolutely. Bullying hurts people emotionally, and anything that hurts people (or any living thing) is morally wrong.

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying

How do you bully someone emotionally?

Any kind of bullying effects someone emotionally.

Why is bullying bad?

bullying is bad because you are making someone feel as if they are nothing. bullying is just another way to express hate and distress. so don't do it now that you know what it is

Why verbal bullying is wrong?

obviously because it's not cool to be saying mean and hurtful things to people, because they get emotionally hurt and sometimes they start believing what is being said about them is true and can lead to bad things

How is bullying a conflict?

That is when you bring both the bully and the victim together and hear out both sides. Then hopefully the mediator/arbiter can then get the bully to see what harm they cause and get them to quit. However, there is no guarantee that the bully will abide by whatever decisions were made.

How can you hurt a man emotionally?

A man can be hurt emotionally in the same ways that a woman can. If you lie to him, cheat on him, or disrespect him, he will likely be hurt emotionally. It is not good to seek out to hurt anyone in this way. If he hurt you, then either forgive him or end the relationship. Getting even never works.

What is school problems?

the school isues is that people try to hurt each other and bullying