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It is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis and animas eat plants which already have carbon.

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12y ago

Carbon moves from plants and animals into the soil by decomposition

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Q: How does carbon move from plants and animals into the soil?
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How does carbon get soil?

Plants and animals are composed largely of carbon so when they die and decompose much of that carbon is put into the soil.

What cycle turns dead plants and animals into fertile soil?

carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle

Decaying plants add nitrogen to the soil?

The dead animals and plants remain organs breaks down and that remains turn into carbon.

Do plants fish and soil all need the air that you breath to survive?

yes, because animals breathe it and plants use carbon dixiode

Why do animals and humans need soil?

they are called soil animals because they like the natural coolness that the soil provides for them

Where do plants get carbon to make glucose?

the air is constantly getting in and out of the water.

Why land animals including meat eaters depend on soil?

Plants need soil to grow. Animals either eat plants, or eat animals that ate plants. No soil, no food.

What was the chemical cycle on the prairie like?

The animals die and the chemical goes into the soil for the plants and when the animals eat the plants the chemicals are passed back to the plants.

How is carbon returned to the soil?

Carbon goes back into the soil when dead animals decompose.

What is needed by plants and animals to live and grow?

Well, plants need carbon dioxide and animals need oxygen.

What elements required by plants does NOT come directly from the soil?

carbon carbon carbon

What do plants give off that is needed by animals?

You are probably referring to carbon dioxide, which plants require to produce carbohydrates for food. However, carbon dioxide also comes from decomposes such as bacteria and fungi. Animals are also useful to plants because they pollinate them, fertilize the soil, and spread their seeds.