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Q: How does cardiorespitory endurance affect physical fitness?
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Would being anorexic or obese affect your performance if you're a fighter in kickboxing or boxing and martial arts?

Of course it has an affect! Both are conditions that disturb the body's metabolism and make it difficult to summon the needed energy. Pugilistic contests (fighting) require physical fitness, endurance, agility.quickness, some strength. Anorexics lack strength and endurance, obese folks lack agility and endurance. Neither group is fit

How does fitness affect health?

Physical fitness and health go together. If you consider that your body works best when it has optimum health and physical fitness is one part of that equation, then it is easy to see the link between the two.

Is genetics a problem for physical fitness testing?

Genetics has nothing to do with it. Genetics mostly affect your body's capability to burn calories more efficiently. Genetics are not a proper excuse to someone's poor performance in physical fitness testing.

How fitness testing and test result affect your overall fitness?

They do not affect it at all. They give an indication of your level of fitness.

How drugs and alcohol can affect the body and make you unable to participate in sports and fitness?

Drugs and alcohol can affect the body in very negative ways. These ways can make you unable to participate in sports and fitness related activities. Drugs and alcohol can reduce your endurance, they can slow your reflexes, and they can also cloud your judgment, all of this would be bad for any athlete.

How does the lack of physical fitness and proper nutrition impact on the teenager?

A lack of proper nutrition and proper physical fitness for a teenager can affect their mood, their growth (since much of adult growth happens during the teenage year) and their ability to concentrate and do well in school.

How does physical fitness and nutrition impact on a teenager?

Physical fitness and nutrition affect everyone in a good way, but not always in the same way. For a teenager, the effects they see can include increase energy, better sleep, general happy or good feelings, and a healthy weight, and life.

Can standing around people smoking affect your fitness?

Yes it can affect your fitness, because you are inhaling the smoke.

How does Nutrition Fitness differ from Physical Fitness?

Nutrition Fitness differs from Physical Fitness because it is not based on physique or how strong muscle are built.It is based on taking care of one's body so it has the right nutrients needed to survive.Nutritional fitness is based on following a balanced diet needed to survive.

Can an everyday lifestyle affect your physical fitness?

Yes It's really true Everyday lifestyle really effect our physical fitness so we have to take discipline in our lifestyle. For that I always join Aerobics Center in Delhi and Aptitude Fit is one of the Best Gym in Delhi.So join (Aptitudefit dot Com)

Why does modern activities affect physical fitness?

Many people find entertainment in video games instead of exercise activities such as jump rope or bicycling and so this causes weight gain.

How can personal fitness can affect?

yes it can affect.Most probably your fitness depends on your personal hygiene.