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No. There are some homeopathic remedies that are minimally effective but chewing tobacco isn't one of them. Once ago people used what little they had for whatever they needed. Sometimes the result was satisfactory but sometimes it simply served as a placebo. Think mom kissing a boo boo.

I disagree entirely. I've had a wasp sting and had very intense pain and it stopped immediately with wet tobacco applied directly. I've read it is because nicotine acts as a local anesthetic for the pain. So not a cure so much as a pain killer.

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Q: How does chewing tobacco cure a bee sting?
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What cures a bee sting and why?

Chewing tobacco spit. Gross but true.

How to neutralise a bee sting?

vinegar can be used to cure a bee sting.

How do you cure of a pH bee sting?

You place an acid onto the wound to neutralise the alkaline bee sting.

Does tobacco help bee stings?

yes.because i had a bee sting and i put tobacco on it ans it went away the next day.

Why do onions cure bee stings?

Onions don't cure bee stings. A bee sting is a cocktail of acids and various proteinic toxins. There's nothing an onion would help with except perhaps distraction.

Will eating bee pollen cure bee sting allergies?

It's unlikely. If you have a severe reaction to bee stings, you should always carry an epi pen with you.

Why can you use toothpaste to treat a bee sting?

Never heard of that. BUT for bees stings use bi carbonate of soda and for wasp stings use vinegar. Because bee stings are acid and the bicarbonate neutralizes it and wasp stings are alkaline so the acid neutralizes it.

How do you cure a bee or wasps sting?

bee sting is acidic you can use bicarbonate of soda to cure the sting . bicarbonate of soda is a alkaline which will make acid and alkaline together neutralize the sting and wasps are same except that u can use vinegar since it is alkaline

What are some home treatments for a bee sting?

My father's old remedy for treating bee stings was to take a cigarette and apply the tobacco to the sting area. It might burn at first, but it combats against pain later.

Name something you put on a bee sting?

ice mud baking soda ointment aloe tobacco bandage

What is the remedy for a bee sting?

There are many natural remedies you can try for bee sting. Here are some: Basil is one of the effective bee sting remedies. Crush up the fresh basil leaves and apply it on the sting. The skin of the papaya is a good treatment for skin wounds and for places in the body which do not heal quickly. Plantain is yet another excellent remedy for bee stings. It is commonly found in lawns and can be identified by its parallel-veined leaves.

How can you cure bee stings?

Because a bee sting is acidic, applying a small amount of weak alkali (ie vinegar) will slightly allevaite the symptoms but will not completely relieve the pain as there are toxins in the "sting" which are injected under the skin.