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It can hurt someone really badly on the inside. The effects may not be seen until a few months into it, but most people put it off and think, 'It'll be okay, it happens to everyone, I'll be fine.' and they soon realize that that's not the case. Their problem will only get heavier if they are the only one carrying it.

Anyway, it leave a person lost in their mind and everything seems dark and unhappy to them. It makes them feel like no ones looking out for them and nobody likes them. The longer you put it off, the worse you feel. I know it's hard to tell someone but you have to if you have been cyber-bullied, and if you are the bullier, you should stop right now because, as said before, some people actually kill themselves because of this, that's how serious this is, and you can believe me that cyber-bullying hurts, cause I know how much it hurts.

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10y ago

It can make people feel upset, lonely and they could become depressed!

Cyber Bullying is when someone bullies another person over the internet and it can have very serious consaquences. Sometimes, the person is emotionally scarred for the rest of their life and sometimes they will develop strange quirks - a scar from their experience although totally different from a scar that appears on the skin.

One thing is for sure; someone will never, ever forget their experience with Cyber Bullying so don't do it.

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12y ago

cyber bullying can effect everyone and exspeacaly can effect you.i have been cyber bullyed a couple of times and my parents wont let me have a myspace a facebook are have a YouTube acount. They wount let me have any kind of chat room.They wount even let me have email!

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13y ago

Victims often suffer from self-esteem, according to research. Additionally, it affects them psychologically and emotionally as they struggle with anger, frustration, and sadness. Finally, there are behavioral consequences as they often act out - either externally through fights, school delinquency, and sometimes criminal behavior, or internally through self-harm and even suicide.

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What Is Cyber - Bulling?

cyber bulling is when people bully other people on the internet

Why is cyber bulling harmful?

Cyberbullying is harmful because it's insults people.

How common is cyber bulling?

Not real common. About 43 out of 100 people are cyber bullied in some way. Maybe more

What does cyber-bulling mean?

Cyber-Bullying is when someone/people bully someone/people by using the internet, texting, calling, or any thing that you can communicate through.

What are the negative effects of cyber bulling?

There are many negative effects of cyber bulling. Like making the people have low self-esteem and sense of security, making them loss interest in school, health and can cause suicidal thoughts.

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Bullying is bullying, whether cyber or not. And bullying is NEVER nice.

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cyber bulling

Which types if bullying is the worst in the US?

cyber bulling

How can cyber bullying start?

cyber bulling can start by just one comment that offends the person

Why Cyber bulling is bad?

Becuase it can make you feel really sad. And another bad thing about cyber bulling is that you can get your account hacked. I don't thing anyone would like that.

Is cyber bulling kewl?

no it is where you either get bullyied by text or emails

What are the three main bulling stuff?

Verbal, Physical and Cyber