

How does earth affect us?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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dont' be lazy and go to the internet 2 find out

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Q: How does earth affect us?
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How does movement affect us?

We move with the movement of the Earth, so it doesn't affect us at all. That is why we don't feel the Earth move.

How do radioactive wastes affect the Earth?

it can kill the earth and even us if there is to much

Which layers of Earth have an affect on us?

i think mantle

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i yugtkyjufguytf

How do the motions of the Earth affect us?

Day and night, plus the seasons. The rotational direction of cyclones.

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Its Adrian Dias

What sorts of things that happen in space affect us on Earth?

no air and no oxygen

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This causes our weather.

Do Auroras affect us?

No, because we are protected by a sheild around the earth called the axis.

How do surface currents affect life?

It gives us hot and cold temperatures on earth.

How the consequences of the ozone layer could affect on earth?

The ozone layer protects us from UV rays. It acts as a shield on the earth.

How can an earthquake effect the Earth?

an earthquake can affect the earth by making the earth less stronger and making it easier to let more lava come out the earth and destroying us all.