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The CO2 reacts with the H2O to create H2CO3 (Carbonic acid)

Carbon dioxide + Water ---> Carbonic acid ----->Bicarbonate ion---> Hydrogen ion

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Q: How does excess carbon dioxide change the acid base condition of a solution?
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How does carbon dioxide change the acid-base condition of a solution when present in excess?

Makes it more acidic by forming carbonic acid. H2CO3

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Sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide dissolve in water what colour would their solution change the universal indicator to?

It wouldn't change at all as it is neutral

Is freezing carbon dioxide a chemical change or physical change?

Frozen carbon dioxide is still carbon dioxide, so it is a physical change.

How does carbon dioxide change the acid-base condition when present in excess?

Carbon dioxide makes conditions more acidic. If moisture is present carbonic acid will form.

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plants do not change carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. they, on the other hand, convert carbon dioxide in to oxygen.

What colour would Carbon dioxide change limewater to?

Carbon dioxide.

Is opening a soda can a chemical change?

Nope. The pressure keeps the Carbon Dioxide dissolved in the liquid, and when that pressure is relieved, the CO2 rapidly returns to its gaseous state. None of the molecules are reacting or changing, although the CO2 switches from aqueous to gaseous phase.

Why does adding carbon dioxide to BTB solution cause a color change?

BTB is an acid indicator. by adding carbon dioxide to the solution, it will turn into carbonic acid (a weak acid) turns green in low concentration and yellow in high concentration.

Carbon dioxide is bubbled with lime water. what do we observe?

The carbon dioxide will change into a milky solution . If we further bubble through lime water the solution we be colourless.

Which organs are oxygen and carbon dioxide changed?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide change in the lungs.

What must be done to carbon dioxide gas to change it to solid?

the cold air can change the carbon dioxide gas to a solid