

How does fat become energy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Very hard to explain this. An organelle in your cells converts fats to energy

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Q: How does fat become energy?
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Why are you fat?

You can become fat because of a medical condition. You can become fat if your food intake exceeds your energy output.

When stored fat is used for energy adipose cells in the body?

Become smaller

How fat loss happens in your body?

Fat is the only source of energy that requires oxygen to metabolize into fuel and can be later burn out or lost. oxygen breaks down fat into particles that become TPA (Body energy).

What happens when you stop eating fat?

There is always fat stored up in your body, in fat cells. If you stop eating fats then the fat stored up in your body starts to get used. You start using it for energy and stuff. When that fat gets finished, then you become thin. You won't store any energy and you will use up the energy stored, this means you will get very tired

Is fat energy or a store of energy?

Fat is a store of energy. very simple

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What is sugar needed for?

If you eat sugar it will increase your energy but if you eat to much of this your teeth will Begin to rot and you will become fat.

What molecules do lipids become during digestion?

Lipids are fats so they are either stored as fat or used as energy.

Does energy burn fat?

Fat HAS energy. Doing exercises, making sure that you're SPENDING more energy than you're eating burns fat.

What do bears eat before they hibernate?

Before hibernating, bears need to store energy that will sustain them. Bears become hyperphagic, meaning they eat to store fat that will then be used as energy.

What are the steps taken to become fat?

The steps taken to become fat vary depending on why a person has become fat. In many cases the steps to become fat simply begin with eating more calories than you burn. Being sedentary and eating foods high in fat can also cause you to become fat.

What is the purpose of a fat?

Fat is used for energy.