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23h ago

Food enters the clam through its mouth and moves to the stomach, where digestion begins. Next, the nutrients are absorbed in the digestive gland and waste is excreted through the anus. The process is facilitated by cilia and muscular contractions within the digestive system.

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Q: How does food move through the digestive system of a clam?
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How does the digestive system work for the Chordata phylum?

In Chordates, which includes humans, the digestive system begins in the mouth where food is broken down by chewing and mixed with saliva. The food travels through the esophagus to the stomach where it is further broken down by stomach acid and enzymes. Nutrients are then absorbed in the small intestine before indigestible material is passed to the large intestine for removal from the body.

What is the scientific name for your gut?

The scientific name for the gut is the gastrointestinal tract, also known as the alimentary canal. It includes organs such as the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, where digestion and absorption of nutrients occur.

What is the scientific name for quahog?

The quahog, also known as the hard shell clam, is Mercenaria mercenaria. The common name, quahog is derived from poquauhock, a Naraganset word. The Algonquin tribes that used the meat of the clam for food, made colored beads from the shells that was used for commerce. And, the species name, mercenaria is similar to the Latin word for commerce/buying, mercatura.

How do fungi obtain food?

Fungi obtain food through absorption. They secrete enzymes to break down organic matter into simpler molecules, which are then absorbed through their cell walls. Fungi are heterotrophic, meaning they rely on other organisms for nutrients.

What is the scientific name for a frog's mouth?

The scientific name for a frog's mouth is "buccal cavity." This structure is where food enters the frog's digestive system and is the site of initial mechanical breakdown of food before it moves to the stomach for further digestion.

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How does the muscular system help the digestive system?

The digestive system has smooth muscle through out it, and they help move the food.

How does the digestive system move food through itself?

Muscle motion in your digestive system called Peristalsis helps the food to travel through your digestive system.

Describe the movement of food from the current siphon through the digestive system of the clam?

Water and food particles are drawn in through one siphon to the gills where tiny, hair-like cilia move the water, and the food is caught in mucus on the gills

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What System propels food through the digestive system?


What system prepares food for the bloodstream?

The digestive system prepares food for the bloodstream. The digestive system absorbs food particles and nutrients pass through this system to the bloodstream.

What organ system chews swallows and moves food through the digestive system?

That is the organ system: digestive system.

What is the function for the digestive system?

Basically,to process food through your system

What is the purpose of the Digestive System?

taking food and distrubute vitamines through out your body

What is the movement of food through the clam's digestive system?

Water and food particles are drawn in through one siphon to the gills where tiny, hair-like cilia move the water, and the food is caught in mucus on the gills. From there, the food-mucus mixture is transported along a groove to the palps which push it into the clam's mouth. The second siphon carries away the water. The gills also draw oxygen from the water flow.

What is the function of the stomach and digestive gland in the clam?

They digest and store food

What is food ingestion?

it is where you digest the food you ingest through your digestive system the nutrients from the food.