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Q: How does food travel from place to place?
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How do people earn a living in the Bahamas?

They travel from place to place to get money/food

Why does a polar bear travel?

Because it can't stay in one place and look for food because it would get boaring to stay in one place and not travel

Why did the people in the past travel from one place to another?

most of them traveld to look for food or better living place.

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Why did the hunter gatherers travel from place to place in what ways are these similar to different from the reasons for which you travel today?

Hunter-gatherers traveled in search of food, following animal migration patterns and plant cycles. Similarly, people today travel for work, leisure, and to experience different cultures. While the basic need for resources remains consistent, modern travel is often driven by personal choice rather than survival necessity.

How did food habits travel from one place to another in the process of cultural exchange?

well in primitive times people used to travel to different places in search of food and trade so as there cultural and food habits exchanged

Do you easily find famous local shops or street food when you travel to a new place?

No way!

What were mostly in covered wagons?

They would travel west or to a safe place.

What are Arabian nomads?

Arabian nomads are called Bedouins. They travel from place to place according to the season in search of water, food, and grazing land.

Why could a hunter gather not live in one place?

because they need to travel in order to get enough food

What is a normadic?

Groups of people tending to travel and change settlements frequently

How do newts travel?

Yes they travel from place to place