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Q: How does industrial revolution in Europe contributed towards the scramble and partition of Africa?
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How does Industrial Revolution influence the scramble partition of Africa?

The Industrial Revolution influenced the scramble partition of Africa by making them loves many of their natives to the american colonies and also by weakening their influence in the mining industry.

Which factor most contributed to African countries' failure to resist European imperialism during the Scramble for Africa?

African countries had been economically devastated by the Atlantic slave trade.

What were the European nations looking for in Africa?

A mix of things. Resources, trade and trade routes, power, and wealth is the simple answer. Africa had an abundance of natural resources that the Europeans needed in order to keep up with the Industrial Revolution and post Industrial Revolution. It was also a matter of pride and prestige. You can look up the "Scramble for Africa" it should help.

Scramble for Africa?

The Scramble for Africa, also called the Partition of Africa, or the Conquest of Africa, was the invasion, occupation, division, and colonization of most of Africa by seven Western European powers during a short period known to historians as the New Imperialism (between 1881 and 1914).

What factors was a reason for the Scramble for Africa?

The scramble for Africa was the initial rush by the European superpowers and other lesser monarchies, Britian, France, Germany, Portugal, belgium and Italy. The Partition of Africa took place much later when Africa was carved up between these nations obviously the stronger countries received larger colonies. This partition of Africa by European countries is the main reason for many of the wars and disagreements in Africa today over borders etc.

What is ice scramble?

It's... scramble!

What is a sentence of scramble?

When I lost my balance, I had to scramble for safety. She can scramble my eggs any time.

How do you scramble the word scramble?

The letters in scramble will also spell clambers.

What is an anagram for scramble?

An anagram for scramble is clambers.

What is the synonym of scramble?

Mix up is a synonym of scramble.

How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to the rise of imperialism?

The Industrial Revolution encouraged imperialism by: It (Industrial Revolution) created a need for raw materials and markets.Note: the answer is purposely fragmented as bold text (which is the answer) is the answer to the multiple choice question "How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism?" So I the author asks that you do NOT alter the text but rather add on. And if the given answer above is wrong then add a warning, but just let it be noted that the answer given by me is the supposedly right answer according to a online school-that is extremely boring i hate it.

How do you use scramble in a sentences?

Be sure to scramble my eggs well.