

How does mold make food spoil?

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11y ago

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The acidic levels become to high to contain in the low mass, and cause mold to break out to contain it.

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Q: How does mold make food spoil?
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Because it can spoil or get mold.

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There is not a history of cheese mold. Mold has and always will begin to grow on cheese and other foods once the food starts to spoil.

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Microorganisms help break down and decompose food. These microorganisms are what cause food to spoil and grow mold on it.

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It is a rather long process, but I will make it short. Food, at room temperature, will actually depend on what kind of food it is. With this in mind, it will determine how long it will take for that food to mold (spoil). Keeping it in a refrigerator or freezer will slow this process down sharply by limiting the movement of the food's molecular structure which in turn will make much less room for mold to start growing. However, it is not halted completely, and any and all foods will eventually spoil. Well, those foods that say will NEVER spoil are terribly bad for you, as they are loaded with preservatives.

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Blue mold that is found on food is basically like any other types of mold. There are different strains of mold. If you see blue mold, discard that food.

What is the use of fridge?

Primarily to try to keep food fresh and not spoil. To make food not spoil so quickly is the true use of a refrigerator.

What are some foods that are safe to eat with mold on it?

Nearly all foods today will spoil given circumstances like a warm moist environment. Mold is a bacterial culture that has grown to such a size to be visible. The only known food that will never spoil is pure honey.

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It can grow mold if it is left unrefrigerated for a long time. But it is unlikely to spoil otherwise.

How does light affect the rat food spoil?

its the bacteria in it that make it spoil so the light awake the bacteria so the began what they are meant to do