

Best Answer

Mononucleosis is caused from the virus known as the Epstein-Barr virus and is

commonly referred as "the kissing disease". In healthy individuals it is most usually beaten by bed rest, along with adequate amount of fluid intake. The

human immune system, if not compromised by fatigue, dehydration or vitamin deficiency will most often win out. Therefore the patient should be well rested while drinking water and fruit juices, along with taking vitamin supplements, such as high doses of vitamin C and a good B complex including, Folic Acid and Vitamins B12 B6 and care should be taken to monitor fever. If fever rises above 101.5 F then consider recommended doses of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, along with sponge bath. If patient is immuno-compromised then care in an ICU would be indicated.

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Q: How does mono affect homeostasis in the body?
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If by pathological you mean "disease causing", then yes they would throw off the homeostatic condition of the body.

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The body will return to homeostasis when it gets what it needs to do so. Many times a body needs water to return to homeostasis.

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Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

How does mono affect the body?

it attacks your immune system and makes u more vulnerable to viruses.

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all mental illnesses essentially affect homeostasis because they all compromise brain function