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Q: How does prokaryotic and eukaryotic carry out life processes?
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How do you use the word eukaryotic in a sentence?

A cell in a eukaryotic organism has a nucleus, while cells in prokaryotic organisms do not. The eukaryotic life processes are generally more delegated than in prokaryotes.

How can you use the words prokaryotic nucleus and eukaryotic in the same sentence?

Unlike a prokaryotic cell, a eukaryotic cell has a nucleus.

What is the best evidence that all life evolved from prokaryotic rather than eukaryotic ancestors?

The oldest fossil form of life known is prokaryotic (Archeabacterias)

Is saccharomyces cerevisiae prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

It is eukaryotic. Fungi are found in the Eukarya branch of the Tree of Life model of evolutionary biology.

Is a armadillo a prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

An armadillo is eukaryotic because its cells have nuclei. Prokaryotic cells however do not. Prokaryotes are mainly very simple life forms such as bacteria. Eukaryotes are more advanced life forms such as animals, plants, and in this case an armadillo.

Is it true that Scientists have a standardized definition of life?

yes. of course. life is basically functioning creatures with eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells.

Why can prokaryotic cells be smaller than eukaryotic cells and still carry on all the functions of life?

The process in a eukaryotic cell tends to be more complex, so the organisms tend to be big. However in prokaryotic cells all it needs is respiration and replication to sustain its unicellular body. They are also much smaller because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus and their DNA/RNA is just floating around in the cytoplasm.

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What is the smallest unit that can carry on the processes of life?

The smallest unit that can carry on all the processes of life is a cell. The cell membrane is made of phospholipids.

What function is performed by eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells?

The definition of eukaryotic is that of any organism having as its fundamental structural unit a cell type that contains specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, characteristics of all life forms except bacteria, blue algae and other primitive organisms.

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