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Reading newspaper, magazine, text books and even novels, displays information to the reader information about human understanding, different points of views and it provides insights that simply watching TV or "reading on the internet" cannot supply.

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Q: How does reading help us to understand the world and ourselves?
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Reading anything helps you to learn how to read better. The Bible is a good book to read because it is written in old-fashioned language, which is harder to understand. If you can learn how to understand it, you will really be a good reader.

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Any technique you use to help you understand what you're reading is a good and relevant plan! Either of these methods requires you to think about what you're reading, and that helps you understand it better.

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benefit of reading books is that they can improve our mental and emotional well-being. Books can provide us with relaxation, entertainment, and pleasure. Books can also help us cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. Books can offer us guidance, support, and comfort in difficult times. For example, reading books for fun can help us reduce our cortisol levels, which are associated with stress. Reading books can also increase our empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Reading books can also boost our self-esteem, which is the confidence and respect we have for ourselves.

How does finding the purpose help you understand the passage better?

it help by knowing what you are reading about and what the purpose is for understanding the story/passage bette

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because they help us take care of problems that we may not understand or are too serious to deal with by ourselves