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Q: How does reducing reusing and recycling help climate change?
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What are the steps to protect environment?

You can protect the envoirment by reducing, reusing and recycling items.Not using cigarettes may prevent the ozone layer from depleting, this will also protect the environment.

How are people fighting climate change?

Through Education and Recycling.

Green issues and environmental concerns?

There are a number of important green issues in today's world. For example, environmentalists are concerned about climate change, air pollution, reducing carbon footprints, and recycling, among other things.

What are your opinions on earth's climate change and how it can affect the evolution of biodiversity?

Climate change could reduce biodiversity by reducing the populations of many different types of plants and animals.

What are the effects of having compost heaps?

An accessible, free, homemade source of beneficial organisms and of soil amendments, fertilizers and mulches is the effect of having compost heaps. A compost heap serves as a drop-off point for such brown-colored, carbon-rich and green-colored, nitrogen-rich recyclables as kitchen leftovers and yard debris. It turns garbage collection into the eco-friendly endeavor of recycling and reusing compostables and therefore of reducing the number of globally warmed climate change-friendly landfills.

People should be fined if they recycle because if there not then all the rubbish and that is wasted?

No because recycling is a choice

What role can businesses play in curbing climate change?

Businesses can adopt business processes that minimize pollution. They can also start recycling to ensure that are not damaging the community.

Sample of argumentative speech?

Sure, here is a sample excerpt from an argumentative speech on the importance of recycling: "Recycling is essential for the preservation of our environment. By reducing waste and conserving resources, we can help combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations. It is our responsibility to take action now before it's too late."

What is the contribution of environmental education towards reducing the causes and managing the effects of climate change in Kenya?

Knowledge is power. It has contributed to a great limit in Kenya.

What will happen if we stop recycling?

If we stop recycling, the amount of waste going to landfills will increase significantly. This can lead to a depletion of natural resources, pollution, and harm to ecosystems. Additionally, recycling helps to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so stopping recycling efforts would have negative consequences for the environment and contribute to climate change.

How are you causing climate change?

By using non-recycling products than ends up in the trash which ends up in the landfills that stays there forever. Driving a car that requires gas, burns more fossil fuels that causes the greenhouse gases to increase, therefore causes climate change in the environment.

How do people change the land?

By recycling.