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Q: How does single pass assembler process an assembly program?
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What is the Design of single pass assembler?

Single Pass Assembler A single pass assembler scans the program only once and creates the equivalent binary program. The assembler substitute all of the symbolic instruction with machine code in one pass. AdvantagesEvery source statement needs to be processed once.DisadvantagesWe cannot use any forward reference in our program. Forward ReferenceForward reference means; reference to an instruction which has not yet been encountered by the assembler. In order to handle forward reference, the program needs to be scanned twice. In other words a two pass assembler is needed.

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What is the difference between program and process?

Program is a set of instruction whereas process is program in execution. Program is passive entity whereas process is active entity .Program has single instance whereas process has several instances.For eg.several notepad windows can be opened but same program is executed behind each window. Program is dependent on logic used whereas process is dependent on program.

Is it assemblies or assembly's?

Single = assembly Plural = assemblies Possessive single = assembly's Possessive plural = assemblies'

Can different functions of an HLL program be called a process?

Typically, all functions in any program constitute a single process. Multiple processes can communicate via Interprocess Communication (IPC), but are usually regarded as separate programs.

What is the difference between linking and loading process?

Linking is a process of combining various pieces of code and data together to form a single executable file. Loading is the process of copying the program from hard disk to main memory in order to put the program in executable state

what tool used to convert C++ source code into executable machine code?

Compliers are used to convert C++ into assembly code. Then a tool called an "assembler" converts that code into machine code. Finally, a "linker" connects all of those machine code files into a single executable.

Single program Uni-programming?

A single program is also known as uni programming. Uni programming only allows on program to be present in the memory at a time. Single program

Where are linkers used in conversion from source code to executable code?

Okay, heres basically how it works- 1. The preprocessor reads all the includes/imports, macros, and other directives. 2. The compiler takes the source, and translates it into assembler language. 3. The assembler takes the code generated by the compiler, and makes an assembly listing with offsets, and then stores this in object files. 4. The linker links together these object files into a single file (EXE file)

Why there is single linker while several compiler and assembler?

Yes. All assemblers generate object code files, as do some compilers (others generate files to be fed to the assembler). The linker will link various object files into a single executable object. It is, however, quite possible to have multiple linkers on a single system, that may or may not handle compatible input/output files. (MSVC vs Borland vs icc vs gcc/binutils, etc...)

What are the advantages of linker?

When developing large programs, different people working at the same time can develop separate modules of functionality. These modules can then be "linked� to form a single module that can be loaded and executed. The modularity of programs, that the linking step in assembly language makes possible, provides the same convenience as it does in higher-level languages; namely abstraction and separation of concerns. Once the functionality of a module has been verified for correctness, it can be re-used in any number of other modules. The programmer can focus on other parts of the program. This is the so-called "modular" approach, or the "top-down" approach.