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Society affects all of us by showing us a certain way to live. Our media raises our expectations, and our economy ensures that very few people can realize those. New technologies get us used to information at our fingertips and lack of privacy, and so many other things. We can of course change our minds, make our own choices, and take personal responsibility for our actions, but there is no doubt that our society is an influence on us.

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8y ago
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12y ago

Back when I was taking the course "Social Environment" I was taught that society shapes who a person is. There is the theory of "survival of the fittest" where only the strong survive. In order to be considered the strong an individual must learn to adapt to his/her society in order to be an active member of said society. It might change the way the individual thinks or acts or even what they eat. Most individuals also succumb to the culture of the society they live in.

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8y ago

Society affects all of us by showing us a certain way to live. Ourmedia raises our expectations, and our economy ensures that veryfew people can realize those. New technologies get us used toinformation at our fingertips and lack of privacy, and so manyother things. We can of course change our minds, make our ownchoices, and take personal responsibility for our actions, butthere is no doubt that our society is an influence on us.

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8y ago

Society controls every single aspect of your life by its establishment of "good" or "proper" actions relationships, morals, music, food, religion, what you can wear, the language you can use. As an example if you wish to have a nice meal of chimpanzee in North America you would shunned, The same would go for not covering parts of your body, smoking in your office, or dressing up a pink bunny at random funerals. These social values are so deeply engrained that you probably not even think of doing any of these things even though they are only different not wrong.You would not, however, think pf inadvertently violating some of the social values of other cultures. As examples you might fly a kite in some Middle Easter areas, offer a gift with your left hand (so you can shake hands with your right) in India, touch a Chinese child on the head, or sit with your legs crossed and the sole of your shoe showing in Thailand.

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10y ago

a person is looked high upon by society because of many factor.behavior is most important factor influences society perception,what kind are that behavior

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Q: How does society affect the choices that individuals make?
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Some choices may result as a positive affect. Some chices may result as a negative affect. It all depends on the choices we make. But remember no one can make us to do anything. We all have choices! Hope this helps :)

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One reason that individuals enter into political society is because they want to make a change. Another reason one might enter is for the power.

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No, it is not true that making wise choices during your teenage years will not affect health later in life. Eating healthy foods as a teenager will prepare you to make good choices in life and will make your body healthy.

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When you choose something, you make a commitment on yourself to stick to what you chose, in order to be a person who respects his own word, and his own choices. Your choices sure affect your life, they form your present and future, they form your relationship with others, and they affect your way of life