

How does sugar salt effect a plant?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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It does not help in large doses but in minute doses it might work. Try doing it on marigolds.

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Q: How does sugar salt effect a plant?
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yes sugar does affect the growth sugar can help the plant get bigger but too much sugar can kill the plant so remember just half a cup of sugar.

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Salt and sugar have different chemical appearences and shapes. Their taste is also different!

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Brassica rapa is a type of plant that has yellow flowers. The effect of salt on it is that it inhibited growth.

What makes a plant die first salt or sugar?

Plants are more sensitive to salt than sugar. Salt can disrupt a plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to dehydration and ultimately death. Sugar, on the other hand, in moderate amounts, can actually provide energy for plants through photosynthesis.

Does salt sugar or advil have the most effect on plant growth?

Actually try your left over coffee or tea grounds or even some instant coffee mixed in with your soil.

What material can you use for what is the effect of salt water sugar water and vinegar in plants grow?

Materials would be : An specific plant only 1 kind...*&&p o op(: