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mr. stock say. don't use the internet I am not sure on specifics but it is partically do to the fact that humans and other animals are made up of water. Water has a high specific heat meaning its more difficult and takes more energy to change its temperature. Water therefore holds a specific temperature, 36.8 degrees C is the normal temperature, better than other substances like metals. The brain then works as the body's thermostat. It works hard to help us to realize when our bodys get to cold or hot. One example of this is shiverring. Shiverring is a natural occurence when body temperature drops to effort to keep the body warmer. I hope this helps answer your question

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9y ago

Homeostasis: (If u don't know that is) example: sweating, shivering moving the blood in the body faster its all about the body creating heat through blood and oxygen

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Q: How does the body maintain a stable temperature?
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It's important to maintain a stable temperature in our bodies because we want to stay healthy. If our temperature is too high (like higher than a fever temperature), or is too lower than our normal body temperature (about 98 degrees), we could get really sick or possibly die.

What does homeostasis maintain in the body?

a stable internal enviroment

Is temperature of the body remains stable at variable temperature?

It Should be stable around 36.5 0C.

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The maintenance of a stable internal environment is called homeostasis.

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Sweat helps maintain your body temperature, Whenever your sweat evaporates, it cools you down.

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by sleeping during the day and hunt at nightnoMajority of the cold-blooded animals maintain their body temperature by exposing their body to the sun

How does homeostasis impact the human body?

Maintain a normal value of certain body temperature.