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It gives America all their rights as citizens. Freedom of speech, right to remain silent (pleading the fifth) and more. Without the constitution and Bill of Rights, we would not have any rights and the government would easily tear us apart.

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Q: How does the preamble bill of rights and the constitution helps us?
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The purpose of the constitution is presented in the a articles b amendments c bill of rights d preamble?


When the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791 which goal of the Preamble to the Constitution did it meet?

It protected the citizens rights.

What goal of the preamble protects individuals rights?

The preamble has nothing to do with individual rights. It only states the purpose of the constitution. It is the Bill of Rights that protects individual rights.

What are the three sections of the US Constitution?

Pre amble Constitution Amendments and bill of rights

What is the bill of rights apart of in the us constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. They were added AFTER the ratification of the document by the first Congress.

The Georgia Constitution of today was ratified in 1983. How it is similar to the Constitution of the US?

They both have a preamble and a bill of rights

Which are they a short statement that comes before the constitution and states its purpose?

the Preamble. the bill of rights

What is the difference between the bill of rights and the constitution?

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. It is the name for the first ten amendments of the Constitution.

What is in the constitution besides the bill of rights?

The Preamble and the Articles ; see relevant link to further information .

What are the sections of the US Constitution?

The first part is the Preamble, the second is the Bill of Rights, and the third is the amendments.

Signers of the Preamble to the Bill of rights?

The bill of rights is part of the US constitution. For a list of the signers visit

Is it true or false the Bill of Rights was added as the preamble to the US Constitution?

False. The preamble is the part that begins with "We the People, in order to form a more perfect Union..." It was included in the original Constitution. The Bill of Rights is the name for the first ten amendments, which were added shortly afterwards.