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The best way to tell what gender a cat is, it by looking underneath the base of its tail. A male cat that has not been neutered will have two furry testicles right below the anus, and a penis right below the testicles. A neutered male cat will not have visible testicles, but there will be a noticeable space between its anus and penis.

Spayed and intact female cats alike will have a genital opening (vulva) which is often seen as a tear-drop shape located right below the anus.

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14y ago

Both male and female kittens have two openings in the anal area. They are closer together in the female. The one closest to the tail in both sexes is the anus. In a female, the vulva is a vertical slit almost joined to the anus like an upside down exclamation mark. In a male, the tip of the penis is hidden in a small round opening about 1/2 inch below the anus.

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13y ago

yes the male has extra stuff back there.

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Q: How does the rear end of a female cat look different from that of a male cat?
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