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Q: How does the sequence of amino acid affect the structure and function of proteins?
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Does amino acids affect protein functions?

The sequence of amino acids affects protein function. The three-dimensional structure of a protein determines its function. The three-dimensional structure of a protein is determined by the sequence of its amino acids.

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How does the sequence of DNA affect the function of a protein?

The sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecule is equivalent and is closely related to an amino acid sequence in the protein molecule. If for any reason the sequence of DNA nucleotides changes it will be reflected in amino acid sequence in the protein. Moreover, the correct sequence of amino acid in the protein will form the correct three-dimensional structure, or tertiary structure, that will confer the biological activity to protein. If a wrong amino acid is translated from a mutated gene in the DNA could change the spatial structure of the protein and therefore modify or erase its biological function.

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Does the location of a structure in a cell affect its ability to function?

No No

What genetic disorder results in protein abnormalities?

All genetic disorders affect the structure of proteins.

How does the structure of the organelle affect its function?

subcellular organelles are organelles contained within a cell. Each has a specific structure that corresponds with its function. The Golgi Apparatus, for example, has a structure resembling bags or balls. This helps it serve out its function as the shipping and sorting center. One end acts as a recieving point and the other acts as a shipping center while the middle sorts. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum's membrane is covered in ribosomes, perfect for its function of making proteins. etc.

How does organelle structure affect its function?

It has to be made properly in order to do what it's supposed to do.

How do biotic and abiotic factors affect community structure and ecosystem function?

Biotic factors, such as competition for resources and predation, influence species interactions and population dynamics in a community, thus shaping its structure. Abiotic factors, like temperature and precipitation, affect the physical environment and resource availability, impacting the overall functioning of the ecosystem. Together, these factors create a dynamic balance within the community and drive ecosystem processes.

How does a mitochondrions structure affect its function?

Abnormal death of the cells due to dysfunction of mitochondria can affect its function.

How can mutation in DNA disrupt proper functioning?

A mutation in a gene can change the amino acid sequence of the protein the gene makes. These alterations in the proteins' primary structure may affect the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure, all which have to be exact for proper functioning. The mutation in a gene can also put a STOP message in the sequence so the protein is terminated prematurely, leading to a truncated polypeptide. Some polypeptides simply won't work, and when critical proteins are not functioning, the cell can cease to run metabolic reactions or undergo mitosis. Other polypeptides will become deleterious and directly harm the cell.

How does an organelles structure affect it's function?

It has to be made properly in order to do what it's supposed to do.