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Based on my understanding, this can be best attributed to access. In industrialized countries, we tend to value technology more because we are more dependent upon it. However, we also regularly trade up for a better, newer version, thus showing that we do not value the object and technology itself but rather the function of technology.

Developing countries simply do not have as much access to technologies as individuals. Also, even with access, the infrastructure is not in place for efficient technology use (i.e. the absence of phone lines, internet access, etc.). Though the technology may be valued as an expensive commodity to some, there is not yet a practical use for the technology.

Thus, value can be based on various things and differ between the two countries. Those in industrialized countries may value the function of technology, as it make their lives easier and information/communication more accessible at a quicker rate. However, they may not value the hardware itself since it is relatively replaceable. Those in developing countries may recognize the dollar value of the hardware as well as the use of the technology (as they can see how it is used in industrialized countries), but the ease of use will be very different there. Without the correct set up to use it, the hardware and technology becomes essentially useless.

*Hope this helps! This is a very generalized answer, and I did not have any two countries in mind to compare. I am also speaking from the point of view of a young woman born and raised in an industrialized country, so this may very well skew and create a biased in my answer.*

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Q: How does the value of technology differ between developing countries and industrialised countries?
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