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using the internet does not save energy but by using well constructed websites that help reduce energy is your best shot at success. try using because it has a black background instead of white or any other color it already is forced to use less energy. it tells you at the bottom how many watts have been saved.

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Q: How does using the internet save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions?
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Does wind energy reduce carbon dioxide emissions?

Yes, of course, the eolian energy is not polluting.

What is the uses of renewable energy?

It is used to generate electricity, without the carbon dioxide emissions of non-renewable energy.

How does saving energy reduce carbon dioxide emmisions?

Almost all fuel used to create energy (coal, oil, gas) causes carbon dioxide emissions, therefore not using aka saving energy will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Nature produces most of the carbon dioxide. Man produces about 6% of all CO2 produced. Much of this by items that would otherwise rot and create CO2 naturally.

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Solar energy emits no carbon dioxide emissions. It is free and renewable.

What is a major drawback of using coal as an energy source?

Carbon dioxide emissions causing global warming.

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No, hydro power is renewable energy, which has no carbon dioxide emissions.

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To comply with the massive demands of the countries energy needs and to do so with no carbon dioxide emissions, France needed to build real and reliable power. Nuclear is the only valid power source that produces energy with no carbon Dioxide emissions or changes to their landscape.

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Burning gas releases emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is causing global warming.

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Yes. There are no carbon dioxide emissions from a geothermal power plant. Only the heat from underground providing steam to generate electricity.

Is geothermal energy and green energy the same?

Geothermal energy is only one of many forms of green energy. Green energy is so-called because it has no polluting emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2).

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What is renewable energy also known as?

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