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it gives you shock and kidney failure

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Q: How does yellow fever attack the body?
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How does yellow fever attack body?

Yellow fever virus attacks the blood and spreads to almost every internal organ you have.

What part of your body does yellow fever damage?

yellow fever is characterized by high fever, jaundice, and often gastrointestinal hemorrhaging...

What was the cause of the yellow fever- 1793?

yellow fever is caused by disease carrying mosquitoes called Coquillettidia fuscopennata there are shots you can get to prevent yellow fever in your body but they had not invented it in 1793

What parts of the body are damaged by yellow fever?


How does rheumatic fever attack the body?

It does serious damage to the valves in the Heart.

How can you not get yellow fever?

where yellow fever is not there

When does the yellow fever normally attack?

yellow fever only attacks in places like south Africa and some places in southern America yellow fever has only once attacked America in 1793 when mosquitoes from the Caribbeanyellow fever only attacks in places like south Africa and some places in southern America yellow fever has only once attacked America in 1793 when mosquitoes from the Caribbean

What type of cells does yellow fever attack?

Yellow fever is called this because the virus attacks the cells of the liver causing jaundice or yellowing of the skin and the "whites" of the eyes. It also causes severe bleeding. This disease is called a hemorrhagic fever.

Is Yellow Fever or Jungle Yellow Fever deadlier?

totz jungle yellow fever

How is body temperature affected by a heart attack?

Body temperature is affected by a heart attack in that it typically rises. A heart attack can often trigger a fever of over 100 degrees.

What percentage of people die from yellow fever?

researc says that 5-70% of people die from yellow fever today

Who discoverd yellow fever?

who dicoverd yellow fever?