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8 weeks answer- you never feel the baby's heart beat. now the babys heart starts beating 22 days after fertilized. It has to be anywhere from 6-8 weeks before you can hear it on a monitor.

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Q: How far along fo you have to be in pregnancy to feel the babies heartbeat?
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Can you see a babies heartbeat by looking at the mothers neck?" yes, it is said to be a myth of a old wise tale being told.

Why can you hear your heartbeat and feel it more when pregnant?

As you get further along, you have 40% more blood flowing in your body which is the main reason why you might hear your heartbeat more, and even feel it pumping.

When does the doctor feel the pulse of the baby in first pregnancy?

Every woman is different but most dr's are able to let you hear the baby's heartbeat around the 10 week point in pregnancy. A heartbeat should be visible on an ultrasound at around 5 to 7 weeks of pregnancy.

When pregnant can you feel the babys heartbeat in your stomach?

No, you would have to be a rare case of super-sensitive to be able to feel that. To date, I have never heard of a woman who can feel the baby's heartbeat. What you may be feeling is your own heartbeat as the blood flow to your uterus is increased. Or it may be just the baby kicking. Many babies also seem to get hiccups which can be a very regular beat, often at the same time each day.

Why do babies like sleeping on their mothers stomachs?

Because it makes them feel secure, They can feel the warmth and hear the the rhythm of the heartbeat, something they lived with since conception.

Do you feel babies heartbeat in womb?

No you can't. If you can feel a pulse over your pregnant abdomen it is the large vessels in your uterus supplying the placenta.

Can i feel my baby's heartbeat if i touch my uterus during 7 weeks?

No, generally you will not be able to feel the baby's heartbeat in the uterus from the outside. You can buy feral heartbeat machines called a Doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. Some can pick up as early as 7 weeks, although others can't pick up until later on in the pregnancy.

Do you feel heartbeat?

What heartbeat :l

What stage in pregnancy for guinea pigs can you see the babies moving around?

its 49 exaclty... at 42 days you will be able to feel the babies movement. at 49 days wou will able to SEE the babies movement and it goes way stronger further in pregnancy

How soon after you feel the baby kittens in the belly will she have them?

a feline pregnancy is 9 weeks in length and you can feel the babies in the womb at roughly 4-5 weeks. So roughly 4-5 weeks after you first feel the babies

How you diagnose the pregnancy in cow and buffalo?

You perform a rectal palpation to feel the uterus - if the cow or buffalo is pregnant, you may feel the fetal membranes or the fetus depending on how far along the pregnancy is.

Can you feel a heartbeat in the thumb?

yes but it isn't accurate to your normal heartbeat