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up to about 1 or 2 miles away, and have a really good eye sight too

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Q: How far can a butterfly smell?
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Why do the Brazilian butterfly have the smell of chocolate?

The Brazilian butterfly has a smell of chocolate because that is their signature scent. Most animals have a signature scent.

What does a butterfly look?

A butterfly has four wings. They can be colorful or dull and they smell with their antennas.

How does a butterfly hear smell and feel objects?

Its antenna

What are facts about the western pygmy blue butterfly?

They smell with their feet.

How far can a raptorex smell?

it can smell as far as 16 yards away

What is political butterfly?

as far as i know, political butterfly is define as political opportunist.

What is the difference between butterfly fish and box fish?

they all smell fishy

How do butterflys smell?

Butterflies are arthropods belonging to the order lepidoptera. They use an appendage called a proboscis to feed on the nectar from flowers.

What do the eyes of a butterfly do?

To see far or near. :-)

How far are butterfly extinction?

butterfly are not close to extinction they must be in hot climate to live if not they will die

How far away does an object have to be for a wolf to smell it?

Wolves have been known to smell objects as far away as 1.6 km. An object does not have to be far away for a wolf to smell it, though - they can smell something right next to their nose.

How do buterflies taste tings?

The butterfly equivalent of human taste and smell is done by sensory cells on the butterfly antennae (feelers). All insects and related creatures taste and smell with their antennae.