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"[A] stagecoach traveled at an average speed of about five miles per hour, with the total daily mileage covered being around 60 or 70 miles." (Wikipedia]

The question has little to do with wagon, carriage, or stagecoach, per se, but with many factors such as:

  1. the poor condition of mostly dirt (or muddy) roads in the 1700s to late 1800s
  2. the weight of passengers and goods transported
  3. the stamina of the team of horses, and whether a tired team could be traded or exchanged for a rested team
  4. the stamina of the driver (driver of the horses)
  5. the stamina of the human passengers, who were often jostled around and even left bruised by sitting on hard wooden benches as the coach went over rough roads
  6. and, whether the wagon, carriage, or stagecoach had a break (wheel, tongue, or harness)

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