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6.23 miles

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Q: How far can a person see or what is a normal visible horizon?
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Why cant a person in Australia use the big dipper to find north?

In much of the southern hemisphere the Big Dipper is not visible. It is only barely visible just above the horizon in the far north of Australia. The Southern Cross, or Crux, is a more useful aid to navigation.

How far is a horizon in outer space?

There is no horizon in deep space.

How far is the horizon at sea level for a person 1.5 meters tall?

I'm not certain that it matters just how tall you are, but at sea level I think the horizon is about 7 miles away.....

How far into the soil do plants roots extend?

B Horizon

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multiply the number of minutes that the aircraft is visible to you by 10 which gives you the amount of miles travelled.

How far is the horizon from shore?

You can't reach the horizon. No matter where you are or what you do the horizon will always be there in front of you. The distance between the shore and the horizon is infinite.

How far into the soil do plants grow?

It Maybe B horizon or C horizon

How far is horizon at 100 ft?

At 100ft, the horizon is approx 12 miles away.

How far is the cape hatteras signal visible?

how far is the signal visible in miles

How far does the normal person throw a snowball?

about 5-10 feet

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As far as they want

Why is mercury not visible from earth?

It is visible, but not obviously as a planet. It is millions of miles away, and appears as a very bright star near the horizon, shortly before dawn or shortly after sunset. For some of the year, it is invisible because it appears too close to the Sun.