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Not far at all. I've talked to MANY ex-military veterans -- the opinion I've come to form over the years is that failure in Vietnam primarily is due to flawed politics and unclear directions given to commanders at the highest levels.

I'm not naive though. There are certainly more than their fair share of purely military failures at virtually all levels. But it is my belief that failure in Vietnam was due primarily to the politicians.

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Q: How far can the American withdrawal from Vietnam be blamed on military failure?
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Was the American failure in Vietnam a political or a military one?

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It is generally seen as an American failure in war.

What ways was the Vietnam war a failure for America?

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The Vietnam War hands down. Those Vietcong are crazy.

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If you were a Vietnamese nationalist, it would be regarded as a success.If you were pro-South Vietnam, it would be regarded as a failure.

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The Tet offensive was military a massive failure by the Vietcong in which they achieved no strategic success and lost a large number of fighters. However, it was terrible for the american army morale, who had been frequently told that they were winning and the North Vietnamese were on the brink of collapse, which was clearly not the case based on the size and penetration of the Tet Offensive showed this was untrue, and it also showed that many South Vietnamese were supporting the Vietcong and not the Americans, which again damaged morale. The same sort of thing happened to the US public, which made the Vietnam War slowly become a huge public discussion, and a political liability to the government which supported the war that the American public collectively believed could not be won. For a military historian the Tet Offensive was an American victory, for the wider historian it was the beginning of the end of America's admitting defeat in Vietnam.