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Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it can easily outrun a human. Hippos have been clocked at 30 mph (48 km/h) while running short distances, faster than an olympic sprinter. The hippopotamus is among the most dangerous and aggressive of all animals, and are thought to be Africa's most dangerous animal.

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Q: How fast can a hippo run underwater?
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How fast hippo run?

45-50 miles per hour

This savana animal is born underwater?

hippopotamus (hippo)

What are the sleeping facts about a hippo?

"A hippo sleeping underwater rises and breathes without waking" says Wikipedia

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When a hippo yawns, it signals that he is about to charge or fight. Definitely run.

How fast is the worlds fastest hippo?

The worlds fastest hippo happens to be quite a runner! It can trundle along at speeds above 25 mph. Which is quite fast for an animal as wide as the hippo. Does that answer your question?

What mammal can hold its breath underwater longer than the hippo?

Whales, dolphins, and maybe a platypus.

Do hippos run?

yes if provoked they can run pretty fast (about 18mph). Being very territorial and one of the most dangerous animals on the planet; i would not however recommend annoying a hippo and trying to see this for your self.

Can a hippo run faster than man?

A Hippo can run from 18 mph / 30 khm; to 30 mph / 50 khm and the "Average Human" can run between 14 and 27 mph (Olympic sprinters ignored for the purposes of this question) - so the answer would be that a Hippo can, on average, outrun a human.

Who will win a silverback gorilla or a hippo?

A hippo because a hippo has terrible aggression. Hippos can flip boats down fast as they also have been known to attack adult crocodiles and people. A hippo is much more stronger than a silverback gorilla.

How is a baby hippo born?

hippo's give birth underwater not on land

What animal can walk under water water?

Most reptiles and amphibians that live in water can walk underwater. A number of other animals can walk underwater, including the hippo.